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News Flash: Contribution thread is here: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/forums/topic/39398-gen-vi-event-contribution-thread-2016/

Welcome to our Event Contribution Thread!

First of all, I'll like to thank everyone for their contributions and co-operation thus far!

As this thread is for contributions, any discussion(s) can be take to the thread in this link!

Golden Rules: What is allowed on this thread

  • Contribution of events from users
  • The only discussion allowed here, is whether posted event is legal or faked
  • Contribution of information regarding other events already posted or event missing from database

Table of Contents (just scroll down, they;re there)

Other related material

  • How to collect wondercard gifts in-game
  • PKX / PK6 Contribution thread

Event Compilation is in the other thread: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?48113-Gen-VI-Event-Contribution-Thread-2016'

edit: This page has deprecated. Don't bother following the stuff above.

Posted (edited)

Use this thread to contribute events as they are released and collected.

Please submit the wc6 file as an attachment in a zip file.

Use the latest Pkhex to extract wc6 files from your save file.

You can report newly announced events in the Event Pokémon News forum.

Information to contribute in this thread:

    Details about the distributed Pokémon itself (the info shown in Event Gallery entries, if missing)
  • Vanilla Wonder Card (not edited at all. okay even if it is "used)
  • Wonder Card title
  • Wonder Card text
  • Distribution text
  • How was it collected (local Wi-Fi, serial, obtained from friend etc)
  • Images of game screen collection process and banners of event (If applicable) (Explanation to this is below)


In addition the contribution, please also include photos of the game screen during distribution (as seen above, with "The gift has been received" or documentation of the process, basically).

As always, we would also like photos at real-life events, including posters or signage. This is for posterity, and also for absolute confirmation of the information in the case of there being doubts.

Take note that this is the format adapted in the folder of compiled wondercards:

*Wondercard ID* - *OT name* (*explanation, if any*) *pokemon/item* (*language*) (*gender, if specified in post*) (*PS, if stated to be taken from powersaves, U for unsure*) (*other 

Example of a good contribution:

  Reveal hidden contents

You may also contribute pkx/pk6 files of your obtained Event Pokemon in the upcoming thread link:


Information obtained firsthand is always preferred, however you may also contribute links to blogs, etc, where such information is present.

Thanks again to all of those who contribute to this community project!

Edited by theSLAYER

Current upcoming/ongoing events:

edit: These are obviously outdated..

Posted (edited)

Event Tracker of contributed Events (based on Wondercard ID)

It shows existing and missing entries.

Powersaves & uncertain wondercards are included as "missing entries"


Lacking Entries (regardless of language):

  Reveal hidden contents

*PS: Most updated version will always be in the .rar package in first post*

Thanks again to all of those who contribute to this community project!

Edited by theSLAYER

Event Changelog and Credits

Users are credited based on event contribution. Dates may differ slightly on actual upload date.

This information can also be found in the second page of the excel tracker.

  Reveal hidden contents
Posted (edited)

Contributed Text:

  Reveal hidden contents

(please feel free to point out any errors)

Edited by Guested
Posted (edited)

Here's a PKX file for Torchic. It appears as though the IVs for the event are completely random, as with most (if not all) Gen V events.

EDIT: Here's another one. I can now confirm that IVs are generated at random.

Guested edit: I added the files as post attachments.

Torchic (E)..zip

Torchic (E)..zipFetching info...

Edited by Guested
added files as attachments
  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I can confirm that the Pokémon Magmar and Electabuzz events started today in Portugal in FNAC of Gaiashopping, in Coimbrões, Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto, in Portugal. Here are the pics I could take. If you want, I can take a picture of Magmar. I didn't record a video because my cellphone didn't last its battery any longer.

The pictures quality aren't the best.

http://i.imgur.com/hw7nQnL.jpg - This is when I got the Electabuzz after inserting the serial code. The serial code is single use. It applies to Magmar and Electabuzz.

http://i.imgur.com/zUKfzz3.jpg - The description of Magmar is the same as Electabuzz's when saying "It's Magmar!" Instead of Electabuzz. This is the pic of Electabuzz.

http://imgur.com/hw7nQnL,zUKfzz3,3xjKOzr#2 - Don't even try to copy and use my serial code. It is already used. Take a look as a proof that FNAC did the event today, 13-04-2014.

If you want translation, let me know.

Edit the images if you want to do it, but if you have better quality images, you can edit. Don't forget that I am contributing as Event contributor for the first time.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Movie 2013 Sylveon (Korean)

Wonder Card title:
님피아 선물

Wonder Card text:
포켓몬영화를 보러 와 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오! 

Distribution text:

CoroCoro Garchomp (Taiwanese)

Wonder Card title:
A Special Garchomp 

Wonder Card text:
ダウンロード してくれくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
はいたついんから うけとってね! 

Distribution text:
A Special Garchomp
One of the mightiest Dragon type Pokémon
Garchomp will be given to you as a gift 

Mega Evolution Distribution (Japan)

Wonder Card title:
メガシンカするポケモン プレゼント 

Wonder Card text:
ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて
おくりものは ゲームの中の
配達員から 受け取ってね! 

Distribution text:
メガストーンを もった
ポケモンを プレゼント!
バトルで そのつよさを

Edited by BlackShark
fixed typo
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have not been able to keep up with ProjectPokemon since the release of X/Y so I don't know how to extract the Wonder Cards from the .SAV file but I have included my retail cart saves for both games. On each I have collected the Torchic (via Nintendo Network), Celebi (via Pokemon Bank) and Vivillon (via Nintendo Network). If someone can point me to the tools for extracting the information I will use that method in the future.



PKMNXSAVE.zipFetching info...

PKMNYSAVE.zipFetching info...

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