Guested Posted November 10, 2013 Posted November 10, 2013 News Flash: Contribution thread is here: Welcome to our Event Contribution Thread! First of all, I'll like to thank everyone for their contributions and co-operation thus far! As this thread is for contributions, any discussion(s) can be take to the thread in this link! Golden Rules: What is allowed on this thread Contribution of events from users The only discussion allowed here, is whether posted event is legal or faked Contribution of information regarding other events already posted or event missing from database Table of Contents (just scroll down, they;re there) Collected Events thus far (attachment is at the end of this post ) How to report new events to us! How to contribute to us! Current Upcoming & Ongoing Events! Event Tracker Hype Thread, Discussion and FAQs Event Changelog and credits! Other related material How to collect wondercard gifts in-game PKX / PK6 Contribution thread Event Compilation is in the other thread:' edit: This page has deprecated. Don't bother following the stuff above.
Guested Posted November 10, 2013 Author Posted November 10, 2013 (edited) Use this thread to contribute events as they are released and collected. Please submit the wc6 file as an attachment in a zip file. Use the latest Pkhex to extract wc6 files from your save file. You can report newly announced events in the Event Pokémon News forum. Information to contribute in this thread: Details about the distributed Pokémon itself (the info shown in Event Gallery entries, if missing)Vanilla Wonder Card (not edited at all. okay even if it is "used) Wonder Card title Wonder Card text Distribution text How was it collected (local Wi-Fi, serial, obtained from friend etc) Images of game screen collection process and banners of event (If applicable) (Explanation to this is below) In addition the contribution, please also include photos of the game screen during distribution (as seen above, with "The gift has been received" or documentation of the process, basically). As always, we would also like photos at real-life events, including posters or signage. This is for posterity, and also for absolute confirmation of the information in the case of there being doubts. Take note that this is the format adapted in the folder of compiled wondercards: *Wondercard ID* - *OT name* (*explanation, if any*) *pokemon/item* (*language*) (*gender, if specified in post*) (*PS, if stated to be taken from powersaves, U for unsure*) (*other Example of a good contribution: Reveal hidden contents Using ram2sav and pkhex. By the way, as I've promised, here is my Serena's Fennekin. Wondercard Title : セレナのフォッコ プレゼント Wondercard Text : アニメ「ポケットモンスター XY」から セレナの パートナーポケモン フォッコを プレゼント! Proof : (original post: You may also contribute pkx/pk6 files of your obtained Event Pokemon in the upcoming thread link: Information obtained firsthand is always preferred, however you may also contribute links to blogs, etc, where such information is present. Thanks again to all of those who contribute to this community project! Edited March 12, 2015 by theSLAYER
Guested Posted November 10, 2013 Author Posted November 10, 2013 (edited) You can report newly announced events in the Event Pokémon News forum. Simply use the template on this page: Edited March 12, 2015 by theSLAYER
Guested Posted November 10, 2013 Author Posted November 10, 2013 Current upcoming/ongoing events: Hidden Ability Unova Starters (Serial Code, All Regions; January 31st to November 30th 2015) Event Info Thread UK Darkrai (Serial Code, UK(?); February 13th to May 5th 2015) Event Info Thread Korean Keldeo (Serial Code, KOR; February 25th 2015 to Jan 31st 2016) Event Info Thread Hidden Ability Tyrunt (Serial Code, All Regions; February 17th to April 30th 2015) Event Info Thread Serena's Fennekin (Serial Code, Japan; February 26th to March 31st 2015) Event Info Thread Hidden Ability Johto Starters (Pokebank, All Regions; February 27th to November 30th 2015) Event Info Thread Movie Arceus and Legendaries (Serial Code, Japan; March 7 - August 31, 2015) Event Info Thread Hidden Ability Amaura (Serial Code?, All regions?; March 27 - ??, 2015) Event Info Thread edit: These are obviously outdated..
Guested Posted November 10, 2013 Author Posted November 10, 2013 (edited) Event Tracker of contributed Events (based on Wondercard ID) It shows existing and missing entries. Powersaves & uncertain wondercards are included as "missing entries" Legend: Lacking Entries (regardless of language): Reveal hidden contents *PS: Most updated version will always be in the .rar package in first post* Thanks again to all of those who contribute to this community project! Edited August 2, 2015 by theSLAYER
Guested Posted November 10, 2013 Author Posted November 10, 2013 Event Changelog and Credits Users are credited based on event contribution. Dates may differ slightly on actual upload date. This information can also be found in the second page of the excel tracker. Reveal hidden contents User WCID Pokemon Region Date Wicked13 1501 Torchic (M) ENG 23/2/2014 Kaphotics 1500 Quickballs ENG 26/2/2014 Kaphotics 501 Garchomp ENG 19/3/2014 8492 1501 Torchic (M) FRE 21/3/2014 8492 502 Scizor ENG 30/3/2014 8492 504 Magmar FRE 14/4/2014 8492 510 Mamoswine GER 22/6/2014 8492 511 Vivillon Poke Ball (Paris Gift) FRE 22/6/2014 Smitty 1503 Vivillon Fancy (M) ENG 7/7/2014 8492 1503 Vivillon Fancy (F) FRE 7/7/2014 8492 504 Electabuzz (M) FRE 9/7/2014 8492 516 Charizard W Charizardite X ENG 13/7/2014 8492 516 Charizard W Charizardite Y ENG 13/7/2014 Smitty 511 Vivillon Poke Ball (M) ENG 7/8/2014 Mega Sceptile 515 Heracross ENG 13/8/2014 Mega Sceptile 515 Pinsir ENG 13/8/2014 Cheronprince 1503 Vivillon Fancy (F) ENG 17/8/2014 Cheronprince 511 Vivillon Poke Ball (M) ENG 17/8/2014 Cheronprince 512 Aegislash (F) ENG 17/8/2014 8492 15 Charizard W Charizardite X (U) JPN 21/8/2014 8492 15 Charizard W Charizardite Y (U) JPN 21/8/2014 8492 21 Darkrai JPN 21/8/2014 Zhrach 22 Diancie JPN 21/8/2014 Zhrach 34 Jirachi (Shiny) JPN 21/8/2014 TwilightErik 1 Birthday Series (PS) JPN 23/8/2014 TwilightErik 3 Inkay (PS) JPN 23/8/2014 TwilightErik 4 Wobbuffet (PS) JPN 23/8/2014 TwilightErik 12 TWN Sylveon (PS) ENG 23/8/2014 TwilightErik 19 Scizor (PS) JPN 23/8/2014 TwilightErik 20 Gengar (PS) JPN 23/8/2014 TwilightErik 25 Gyarados (PS) JPN 23/8/2014 TwilightErik 26 Scizor (PS) JPN 23/8/2014 TwilightErik 27 Kangaskhan (PS) JPN 23/8/2014 TwilightErik 28 Gengar (PS) JPN 23/8/2014 TwilightErik 29 Tyranitar (PS) JPN 23/8/2014 TwilightErik 30 Mawile (PS) JPN 23/8/2014 TwilightErik 33 Pikachu (PS) JPN 23/8/2014 TwilightErik 37 Pikachu (PS) JPN 23/8/2014 TwilightErik 38 Pikachu (PS) JPN 23/8/2014 TwilightErik 39 Pikachu (PS) JPN 23/8/2014 TwilightErik 41 Pikachu (PS) JPN 23/8/2014 Cheronprince 518 Heracronite ENG 23/8/2014 Cheronprince 518 Pinsirite ENG 23/8/2014 Luckyrant 43 Charizard with Charizardite Y (TWN/HK) ENG 28/8/2014 Luckyrant 46 Darkrai (TWN/HK) ENG 28/8/2014 8492 511 Vivillon Poke Ball (M) FRE 29/8/2014 Luckyrant 47 Diancie (TWN/HK) ENG 1/9/2014 8492 504 Magmar (U) ENG 12/9/2014 Destinyy 1015 Jirachi (U) KOR 22/9/2014 BeUndead 523 Pumpkaboo (F) ENG 2/10/2014 8492 523 Pumpkaboo (M) FRE 2/10/2014 MicroChip 524 Shiny Gengar (F) ENG 16/10/2014 Krskull 525 Diancie (No IVS) ENG 28/10/2014 8492 524 Shiny Gengar (M) FRE 1/11/2014 Wanderer1391 525 Diancie (3 IVS) ENG 8/11/2014 8492 525 Diancie (NOV2014) FRE 9/11/2014 Elaugaufein 525 Diancie (NOV2014) ENG 12/11/2014 theSLAYER 1504 Shiny Beldum ENG 20/11/2014 mastag25 via SciresM 527 100 Potions ENG 22/11/2014 8492 1504 Shiny Beldum FRE 23/11/2014 theSLAYER 2048 Eon Ticket ENG 27/11/2014 Falo 1504 Shiny Beldum GER 29/11/2014 FallVacation 61 Shiny Jirachi JPN 3/12/2014 Wanderer1391 50 Shaymin JPN 8/12/2014 SciresM 51 Keldeo JPN 8/12/2014 SciresM 52 Victini JPN 8/12/2014 8492 2048 Eon Ticket JPN 10/12/2014 Cisaio 1504 Shiny Beldum ITA 10/12/2014 theSLAYER 66 Shiny Pikachi JPN 12/12/2014 theSLAYER 65 Shiny Charizard JPN 14/12/2014 pokemonmaniac 1016 Shiny Gengar KOR 14/12/2014 pokemonmaniac 1504 Shiny Beldum KOR 14/12/2014 pokemonmaniac 2048 Eon Ticket KOR 14/12/2014 theSLAYER 45 Rotom (PS) JPN 25/12/2014 theSLAYER 40 Pikachu (PS) JPN 25/12/2014 theSLAYER 42 Pikachu (PS) JPN 25/12/2014 theSLAYER 1006 Heracross (PS) KOR 25/12/2014 theSLAYER 1007 Manectric (PS) KOR 25/12/2014 theSLAYER 1008 Tyranitar (PS) KOR 25/12/2014 doublekou 43 Charizard with Charizardite X (TWN/HK) ENG 26/12/2014 doublekou 44 Shiny Gengar JPN 26/12/2014 Katsuya 1019 Pachirisu KOR 26/12/2014 Katsuya 1017 Darkrai KOR 26/12/2014 doublekou 1504 Shiny Beldum JPN 30/12/2014 pokemonmaniac & elsesomeone 1018 Diancie KOR 27/1/2015 TwilightErik 79 Pikachu (PS) JPN 27/1/2015 TwilightErik 78 Shiny Rayquaza (PS) JPN 27/1/2015 TwilightErik 63 Piplup (PS) JPN 27/1/2015 TwilightErik 64 Froakie (PS) JPN 27/1/2015 TwilightErik 71 Event Eggs (PS) JPN 27/1/2015 TwilightErik 48 Birthday Series (2) (PS) JPN 27/1/2015 Falo 1505 Serperior GER 27/1/2015 Asia81 1505 Serperior FRE 27/1/2015 Codem8ker 1505 Serperior JPN 27/1/2015 Codem8ker 1506 Emboar JPN 27/1/2015 Codem8ker 1507 Samurott JPN 27/1/2015 TwilightErik 2 Garchomp JPN 28/1/2015 TwilightErik 21 Darkrai JPN 28/1/2015 TwilightErik 1501 Torchic (M) JPN 28/1/2015 TwilightErik 1503 Vivillon Fancy JPN 28/1/2015 Xside 524 Shiny Gengar (M) SPA 28/1/2015 ElseSomeone 1506 Emboar (M) FRE 29/1/2015 Jnoy 1506 Emboar (M) GER 29/1/2015 RustInPeace 1506 Emboar (M) ENG 29/1/2015 Purin 1506 Emboar (F) GER 4/2/2015 BPSpike 1503 Vivillon Fancy (F) ENG 4/2/2015 BPSpike 523 Pumpkaboo (M) ENG 4/2/2015 BPSpike 524 Shiny Gengar (M) ENG 4/2/2015 no1globe 511 Vivillon PokeBall (M) ITA 4/2/2015 no1globe 523 Pumpkaboo (M) ITA 4/2/2015 no1globe 524 Shiny Gengar (M) ITA 4/2/2015 no1globe 1501 Torchic (M) ITA 4/2/2015 no1globe 1503 Vivillon Fancy (F) ITA 4/2/2015 no1globe 1505 Serperior (F) ITA 4/2/2015 no1globe 1506 Emboar (M) ITA 4/2/2015 Shadowofdarkness 1505 Serperior (M) ENG 4/2/2015 ElseSomeone 516 Charizard with Chardizardite X GER 9/2/2015 ElseSomeone 516 Charizard with Chardizardite Y GER 9/2/2015 Acanto 525 Diancie ITA 9/2/2015 Danoxor 504 Electabuzz (M) GER 9/2/2015 Danoxor 511 Pokeball Vivillon (M) GER 9/2/2015 Danoxor 523 Pumpkaboo (M) GER 9/2/2015 Danoxor 524 Shiny Gengar (F) GER 9/2/2015 Danoxor 525 Diancie GER 9/2/2015 Swarzesherz 511 Vivillon (M) SPA 9/2/2015 Swarzesherz 515 Heracross (F) SPA 9/2/2015 Swarzesherz 523 Pumpkaboo (M) SPA 9/2/2015 Swarzesherz 524 Shiny Gengar (F) SPA 9/2/2015 Swarzesherz 525 Diancie SPA 9/2/2015 Swarzesherz 1503 Vivillon Fancy (F) SPA 9/2/2015 Swarzesherz 1504 Shiny Beldum SPA 9/2/2015 Swarzesherz 1505 Serperior (M) SPA 9/2/2015 Swarzesherz 1506 Emboar (M) SPA 9/2/2015 no1globe 504 Electabuzz (M) ITA 9/2/2015 no1globe & acanto 1507 Samurott (M) ITA 10/2/2015 Sabocan & Shadowofdarkness & Chamdee 1507 Samurott (M) ENG 10/2/2015 Purin 1507 Samurott (M) GER 10/2/2015 Purin 1508 Tyrunt (M) GER 19/2/2015 Marc_Max 1508 Tyrunt (M) SPA 19/2/2015 RustInPeace 1508 Tyrunt (F) ENG 19/2/2015 Ahito 1508 Tyrunt (M) ITA 19/2/2015 doublekou 1508 Tyrunt (F) JPN 19/2/2015 Eonrocket & Chamdee 1508 Tyrunt (M) ENG 19/2/2015 Blackshark 2048 Eon Ticket GER 19/2/2015 Nplumb 536 Darkrai (Feb2015) ENG 19/2/2015 Supercarotte 1507 Samurott (M) FRE 19/2/2015 lookmeandnottouchme 515 Pinsir (F) SPA 19/2/2015 lookmeandnottouchme 1507 Samurott (F) SPA 19/2/2015 lookmeandnottouchme 1501 Torchic (M) SPA 19/2/2015 Elsesomeone 514 Wobbuffet ITA 7/3/2015 Purin & ElseSomeone 81 Arceus Bug JPN 10/3/2015 Purin (& Gizmothegreen) 81 Arceus Normal JPN 10/3/2015 Purin 81 Arceus Poison JPN 10/3/2015 SciresM 81 Arceus Water JPN 10/3/2015 SciresM 81 Arceus Ground JPN 10/3/2015 SciresM 81 Arceus Shiny JPN 10/3/2015 Balticoral 1001 Sylveon KOR 10/3/2015 Supercarotte & ElseSomeone 2048 Eon Ticket FRE 10/3/2015 Blackshark 2048 Eon Ticket SPA 10/3/2015 Blackshark 2048 Eon Ticket ITA 10/3/2015 doublekou 53 Nugget JPN 10/3/2015 doublekou 54 Super Potions JPN 10/3/2015 doublekou & ElseSomeone 86 Fennekin (F) JPN 10/3/2015 bluesun 8 Lucky Egg JPN 10/3/2015 bluesun 15 Charizard with Charizardite Y (M) JPN 10/3/2015 bluesun 55 Luxury Ball JPN 10/3/2015 bluesun 56 Rare Candy JPN 10/3/2015 bluesun 57 Master Ball JPN 10/3/2015 bluesun 58 12 Quick Balls JPN 10/3/2015 bluesun 59 100 Potions JPN 10/3/2015 bluesun 60 2 Master Balls JPN 10/3/2015 bluesun 62 Greninja JPN 10/3/2015 bluesun 504 Electabuzz (M) ENG 10/3/2015 bluesun 504 Magmar (M) ENG 10/3/2015 bluesun 510 Shiny Mamoswine (M) ENG 10/3/2015 bluesun 511 Vivillon PokeBall (M) ENG 10/3/2015 bluesun 1502 Quickballs ENG 10/3/2015 bluesun 1505 Serperior (F) ENG 10/3/2015 bluesun 1506 Emboar (F) ENG 10/3/2015 ElseSomeone 81 Arceus Fairy JPN 13/3/2015 ElseSomeone & Fallvacation 81 Arceus Ice JPN 13/3/2015 Zerbe92 81 Arceus Steel JPN 13/3/2015 pokemonmaniac 1023 Keldeo KOR 13/3/2015 pokemonmaniac 1026 Linoone (F) KOR 13/3/2015 pokemonmaniac 1508 Tyrunt (F) KOR 13/3/2015 ElseSomeone 78 WHF Shiny Rayquaza JPN 16/3/2015 ElseSomeone (& rick_en) 88 CoroCoro Shiny Rayquaza JPN 16/3/2015 ElseSomeone 1026 Linoone (M) KOR 16/3/2015 The Shiny Jirachi 1509 Amaura HA (M) FRE 2/4/2015 doublekou & zerbe92 & karmacows 1509 Amaura HA (M) JPN 2/4/2015 RustInPeace & karmacows 1509 Amaura HA (M) ENG 2/4/2015 Ahito95 1509 Amaura HA (M) ITA 2/4/2015 pokemonmaniac 1509 Amaura HA (F) KOR 2/4/2015 Nplumb 537 Shiny Charizard (M) ENG 14/4/2015 ElseSomeone 537 Shiny Charizard (M) FRE 14/4/2015 FallVacation 89 Kangaskhan ENG 14/4/2015 Love_dig_it 537 Shiny Charizard (M) GER 14/4/2015 Ahito95 537 Shiny Charizard (M) ITA 14/4/2015 Nplumb 537 Shiny Charizard (M) SPA 14/4/2015 theSLAYER 1507 Samurott HA (M) SPA 14/4/2015 lookmeandnottouchme 537 Shiny Charizard (F) SPA 24/6/2015 fallvacation, theSLAYER 90 Shiny Rayquaza ENG 24/6/2015 pokemonmaniac 1027 Shiny Charizard (F) KOR 24/6/2015 pokemonmaniac 1029 Shiny Rayquaza KOR 24/6/2015 wanderer1391, pkmz 538 Dragonite (M) ENG 24/6/2015 illuminate 94 Shiny Gyarados (F) (PS) JPN 2/8/2015 illuminate 95 Magikarp (M) (PS) JPN 2/8/2015 illuminate 82 Kyogre (PS) JPN 2/8/2015 illuminate 82 Groudon (PS) JPN 2/8/2015 illuminate 82 Dialga Ha (PS) JPN 2/8/2015 illuminate 82 Palkia Ha (PS) JPN 2/8/2015 illuminate 82 Giratina HA (PS) JPN 2/8/2015 illuminate 82 Kyurem (PS) JPN 2/8/2015 illuminate 108 Jirachi Altair (PS) JPN 2/8/2015 ElseSomeone, Fan 83 Hoopa JPN 2/8/2015 Fallvacation 96 Bulbasaur (M) JPN 2/8/2015 Fallvacation 97 Charmander (M) JPN 2/8/2015 Fallvacation 98 Squirtle (M) JPN 2/8/2015 pokemonmaniac 1024 Shaymin KOR 2/8/2015 pokemonmaniac 1041 Manaphy KOR 2/8/2015 xerneusguy 535 Pachirisu (F) ENG 2/8/2015 Ahito95 535 Pachirisu (F) ITA 2/8/2015 ElseSomeone, illuminate 546 Diancie ENG 2/8/2015 ElseSomeone, Ahito95 546 Diancie ITA 2/8/2015 ElseSomeone, advnc 546 Diancie SPA 2/8/2015 ElseSomeone 546 Diancie GER 2/8/2015 ElseSomeone 546 Diancie FRE 2/8/2015 ElseSomeone 538 Dragonite (M) FRE 2/8/2015 friendsxix 538 Dragonite (F) ENG 2/8/2015 fan 99 Pikachu (M) JPN 13/9/2015 fan 100 Pancham (M) JPN 13/9/2015 fan, gizmothegreen 101 Lugia JPN 13/9/2015 fan, gizmothegreen 102 Latios JPN 13/9/2015 Nobori 107 Shiny Pikachu (M) JPN 13/9/2015 fallvacation 108 Jirachi JPN 13/9/2015 yibu 109 Pikachu (F) ENG 13/9/2015 |M|, theSLAYER 110 Hoopa ENG 13/9/2015 yibu 119 Shiny Rayquaza ENG 13/9/2015 Holla! 539 Sharpedo HA ENG 13/9/2015 cranham, ars25 547 Shiny Rayquaza ENG 13/9/2015 romymunis, advnc 547 Shiny Rayquaza SPA 13/9/2015 Balticoral 551 Aromatisse HA (F) ENG 13/9/2015 Balticoral 551 Sableya HA (F) ENG 13/9/2015 Mahrla, ElseSomeone 551 Sableya HA (M) FRE 13/9/2015 Balticoral 551 Bouffalant HA (M) ENG 13/9/2015 Mahrla, ElseSomeone 551 Bouffalant HA (F) FRE 13/9/2015 Balticoral 552 Malamar (M) ENG 13/9/2015 Ahito95 552 Malamar (M) ITA 13/9/2015 pokemonmaniac 1042 Shiny Charizard (M) KOR 13/9/2015 seb5049 1510 Pikachu HA (F) ENG 13/9/2015 Balticoral 1510 Pikachu HA (F) GER 13/9/2015 Balticoral 1510 Pikachu HA (M) GER 13/9/2015 Ahito95 1510 Pikachu HA (F) ITA 13/9/2015 MEROCO 1510 Pikachu HA (M) JPN 13/9/2015 pokemonmaniac, fallvacation 1510 Pikachu HA (M) KOR 13/9/2015 advnc 1510 Pikachu HA (M) SPA 13/9/2015
Guested Posted November 10, 2013 Author Posted November 10, 2013 (edited) Contributed Text: Reveal hidden contents Mega Stone Torchic (English) Wonder Card title: A Special Torchic! Wonder Card text: Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution text: It's a Torchic with a Hidden Ability, and it's holding a Mega Stone for you! This Pokémon will be a great help on your adventure in Pokémon X or Pokémon Y. Mega Stone Torchic (Japanese) Wonder Card title: アチャモ プレゼント Wonder Card text: ドウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる はいたついんから うけとってね! Distribution text: ポケットモンスターX・Yの ぼうけんを サポートする メガストーンを もった かくれとくせいの アチャモを プレゼント! Mega Stone Torchic (French) Wonder Card title: Un Poussifeu très spécial ! Wonder Card text: Merci de votre téléchargement! Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon! Distribution text: Ce Poussifeu a un talent caché, et il vient avec une Méga-Gemme ! Il vous sera d'une grande aide dans Pokémon X ou Pokémon Y. Mega Stone Torchic (German) Wonder Card title: Ein besonderes Flemmli! Wonder Card text: Danke für den Download! Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab! Distribution text: Dieses Flemmli mit einer versteckten Fähigkeit und einem Mega-Stein wird dir bei deinem Abenteuer in Pokémon X odor Pokémon Y eine große Hilfe sein. Mega Stone Torchic (Italian) Wonder Card title: Un Torchic tutto speciale! Wonder Card text: Grazie per aver effettuato il download! Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon! Distribution text: Ecco per te un Torchic con un'abilità speciale e una Megapietra! Questo Pokémon ti sarà di grande aiuto nella tua fantastica avventura in Pokémon X e Pokémon Y. Mega Stone Torchic (Spanish) Wonder Card title: ¡Un Torchic especial! Wonder Card text: ¡Gracias por realizar esta descarga! Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo. Distribution text: Aquí tienes a un Torchic que posee una habilidad oculta y lleva consigo una Megapierda. ¡Este Pokémon te será de gran utilidad a lo largo de tus adventuras en Pokémon X y Pokémon Y! Mega Stone Torchic (Korean) Wonder Card title: 아차모 선물 Wonder Card text: 다운로드해 주셔서 감사합니다! 소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는 배달원에게 받으십시오! Distribution text: 포켓몬스터 X ・ Y의 모험을 도와줄 메가스톤을 지닌 숨겨진 특성의 아차모를 선물합니다! 12 Quick Balls (English) Wonder Card title: A bunch of Quick Balls! Wonder Card text: Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution text: Here are 12 Quick Balls for you! Use these Quick Balls at the start of a wild Pokmon encounter to increase your catch rate! 12 Quick Balls (Japanese) Wonder Card title: クイックボール プレゼント! Wonder Card text: ポケモンを あそんでくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる はいたついんから うけとってね! Distribution text: せんとうが はじまって すぐだと ポケモンが たかまえやすくなる クイックボールを 12コ プレゼント! Birthday Pokemon 2013 (Japanese) Wonder Card title: おたんじょうび おめでとう! Wonder Card text: ポケモンセンターに きてくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ゲームのなかの はいたついんから うけとってね! Distribution text: ポケモンセンターから おたんじょうびの おいわいに とっても すてきな ポケモンを プレゼントするよ! Corocoro Garchomp (Japanese) Wonder Card title: ガブリアス プレゼント Wonder Card text: ドウンロード してくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる はいたついんから うけとってね! Distribution text: コロコロの マンガでも だいかつやく! ガブリアスを プレゼント! Tokyo Bay Inkay (Japanese) Wonder Card title: トウキョーベイ オープンきねん! Wonder Card text: ポケモンセンターに きてくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ゲームのなかの はいたついんから うけとってね! Distribution text: ポケモンセンタートウキョーベイの オープンを きえんして とくべつな わざ ハッピータイムを おぼえた マーイーカをプレゼント! Weakness Policy (Japanese) Wonder Card title: じゃくてんほけん プレゼント Wonder Card text: ポケモンを あそんでくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる はいたついんから うけとってね! Distribution text: Tretta Wobbuffet (Japanese) Wonder Card title: トレッタから ぬけだした ソーアンス Wonder Card text: ポケモンを あそんでくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる はいたついんから うけとってね! Distribution text: トレッタから ソーナンスを ぬけだすのに せいこう した! ゲームでも だいじに そだててね! ぬけだした あとの トレッタも わすれずに もってかえってね! Lucky Egg (Japanese) Wonder Card title: しあわせタマゴ プレゼント Wonder Card text: ポケモンを あそんでくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる はいたついんから うけとってね! Distribution text: クリスマスこうかんかいに きてくれて ありがとう! ポケモンに もたせると もらえる けいけんちが ふえる しあわせタマゴを プレゼント! Movie 2013 Sylveon (Korean) Wonder Card title: 님피아 선물 Wonder Card text: Distribution text: 12 Quick Balls (Korean) Wonder Card title: Wonder Card text: Distribution text: Walmart Garchomp (English) (Spanish?)(French?) Wonder Card title: A powerful Garchomp for You! Wonder Card text: Thank you for coming to the store! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution text: Here's your chance to bond with a powerful Level 50 Garchomp. It comes with a Dragon Fang that makes it even more ferocious by boosting the power of its Dragon-type moves! Walmart Scizor (English) (Spanish?)(French?) Wonder Card title: A powerful Scizor! Wonder Card text: Thank you for coming to the store! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution text: Here's your chance to bond with a powerful level 50 Scizor. It comes with a silver powder that makes it even more dangerous by boosting the power of its Bug-type moves! Pokemon Center Scizor Wonder Card title: ハッサム プレゼント Wonder Card text: ポケモンセンターに きてくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ゲームのなかの はいたついんから うけとってね! Distribution text: ポケモンセンターに きてくれた キミに だにんきの ハッサムを プレゼント! ハッサムナイトを みつけて メガシンカ してみよう! Pokemon Center Gengar Wonder Card title: ゲンガー プレゼント Wonder Card text: ポケモンセンターに きてくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ゲームのなかの はいたついんから うけとってね! Distribution text: ポケモンセンターに きてくれた キミに だにんきの ゲンガーを プレゼント! ゲンガナイトを みつけて メガシンカ してみよう! XY Sylveon (Hong Kong and Taiwan) Wonder Card title: A Special Sylveon! Wonder Card text: Thank you for coming to the event! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution text: Thank you for coming to the Pokémon distribution event! A cute and lovely Fairy-Type Pokémon Sylveon will be given to you as a gift! Spring Magmar (English) Wonder Card title: It's Magmar! Wonder Card text: Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution text: With the special item it's holding, you can make this Pokémon evolve by trading it! Spring Electabuzz (English) Wonder Card title: It's Electabuzz! Wonder Card text: Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution text: With the special item it's holding, you can make this Pokémon evolve by trading it! Spring Magmar (French) Wonder Card title: Un Magmar! Wonder Card text: Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon! Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon! Distribution text: Il tient un objet spécial qui vous permettra de le faire évoluer lorsque vous l'échangerez! Spring Electabuzz (French) Wonder Card title: Un Élektek! Wonder Card text: Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon! Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès de la livreuse d'un Centre Pokémon! Distribution text: Il tient un objet spécial qui vous permettra de le faire évoluer lorsque vous l'échangerez! Spring Magmar (German) Wonder Card title: Hier kommt Magmar! Wonder Card text: Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst! Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab! Distribution text: Dieses Pokémon trägt ein spezielles Item, durch das es sich beim Tauschen weiterentwickelt! Spring Electabuzz (German) Wonder Card title: Hier kommt Elektek! Wonder Card text: Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst! Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab! Distribution text: Dieses Pokémon trägt ein spezielles Item, durch das es sich beim Tauschen weiterentwickelt! Spring Magmar (Italian) Wonder Card title: Ecco Magmar! Wonder Card text: Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon! Distribution text: Fallo evolvere scambiandolo assieme allo strumento che ha con sé! Spring Electabuzz (Italian) Wonder Card title: Ecco Electabuzz! Wonder Card text: Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon! Distribution text: Fallo evolvere scambiandolo assieme allo strumento che ha con sé! Spring Magmar (Spanish) Wonder Card title: ¡Aquí Ilega Magmar! Wonder Card text: ¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon! Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo. Distribution text: Gracias al objecto especial que Ileva, ¡este Pokémon podrá evolucionar cuando lo intercambies! Spring Electabuzz (Spanish) Wonder Card title: ¡Aquí Ilega Electabuzz! Wonder Card text: ¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon! Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo. Distribution text: Gracias al objecto especial que Ileva, ¡este Pokémon podrá evolucionar cuando lo intercambies! Corocoro Charizard (Mega Charizard Y) Wonder Card title: リザードナイトYを もった リザードン Wonder Card text: ダウンロード してうれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる はいたついんから うけとってね! Distribution text: コロコロからの スペシャルプレゼント! つうじょうの プレイでは てにはいらない リザードナイトYを もっているぞ! Corocoro Charizard (Mega Charizard X) Wonder Card title: リザードナイトXを もった リザードン Wonder Card text: ダウンロード してうれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる はいたついんから うけとってね! Distribution text: コロコロからの スペシャルプレゼント! つうじょうの プレイでは てにはいらない リザードナイトXを もっているぞ! Movie 2014 Darkrai Wonder Card title: ダークライ プレゼント! Wonder Card text: ポケモンえいが2014を みにきてくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる はいたついんから うけとってね! Distribution text: ことしの ポケモンたんぺんえいがに とうじょう する 4ひきの まぼろしの ポケモンの なかから とうひょうで いちばんに なった ダークライを ぷれぜんと! Movie 2014 Diancie Wonder Card title: Wonder Card text: Distribution text: Olleh TV Charizard (Mega Charizard Y) Wonder Card title: Wonder Card text: Distribution text: Olleh TV Charizard (Mega Charizard X) Wonder Card title: Wonder Card text: Distribution text: VGC Korea Nationals 2014 Garchomp Wonder Card title: Wonder Card text: Distribution text: (please feel free to point out any errors) Edited April 20, 2014 by Guested
CharlemagneXVI Posted November 10, 2013 Posted November 10, 2013 (edited) Here's a PKX file for Torchic. It appears as though the IVs for the event are completely random, as with most (if not all) Gen V events. EDIT: Here's another one. I can now confirm that IVs are generated at random. Guested edit: I added the files as post attachments. Torchic (E)..zipFetching info... Edited November 11, 2013 by Guested added files as attachments
Wicked13 Posted February 23, 2014 Posted February 23, 2014 Here is the Torchic Wonder Card (Provided by Kaphotics) "It looks like its wondercard ID is 1501, and the card structure is totally different relative to last gen." torchic_wondercard.zipFetching info...
Kaphotics Posted February 25, 2014 Posted February 25, 2014 1500 - UK / Tesco Quick Ball Wondercard (12) Attached 1500 - quickball.zipFetching info...
Kaphotics Posted March 19, 2014 Posted March 19, 2014 501 - Walmart WINTER2013 Garchomp Attached 501 - WINTER2013 Garchomp.zipFetching info...
8492 Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 This is the French Wondercard for the Speed Boost Torchic. Torchicfrench.rarFetching info...
8492 Posted March 29, 2014 Posted March 29, 2014 In the following archive: Walmart WINTER2013 Garchomp and Scizor. Walmart.zipFetching info...
XDRZERO Posted April 13, 2014 Posted April 13, 2014 I can confirm that the Pokémon Magmar and Electabuzz events started today in Portugal in FNAC of Gaiashopping, in Coimbrões, Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto, in Portugal. Here are the pics I could take. If you want, I can take a picture of Magmar. I didn't record a video because my cellphone didn't last its battery any longer. The pictures quality aren't the best. - This is when I got the Electabuzz after inserting the serial code. The serial code is single use. It applies to Magmar and Electabuzz. - The description of Magmar is the same as Electabuzz's when saying "It's Magmar!" Instead of Electabuzz. This is the pic of Electabuzz.,zUKfzz3,3xjKOzr#2 - Don't even try to copy and use my serial code. It is already used. Take a look as a proof that FNAC did the event today, 13-04-2014. If you want translation, let me know. Edit the images if you want to do it, but if you have better quality images, you can edit. Don't forget that I am contributing as Event contributor for the first time.
8492 Posted April 14, 2014 Posted April 14, 2014 GAME Magmar claimed on a FR game. This version of the Magmar comes with its event ribbon, unlike the previous distributions. magmar20140413.rarFetching info...
BlackShark Posted April 25, 2014 Posted April 25, 2014 (edited) Movie 2013 Sylveon (Korean) Wonder Card title: 님피아 선물 Wonder Card text: 포켓몬영화를 보러 와 주셔서 감사합니다! 소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는 배달원에게 받으십시오! Distribution text: CoroCoro Garchomp (Taiwanese) Wonder Card title: A Special Garchomp Wonder Card text: ダウンロード してくれくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる はいたついんから うけとってね! Distribution text: A Special Garchomp One of the mightiest Dragon type Pokémon Garchomp will be given to you as a gift Mega Evolution Distribution (Japan) Wonder Card title: メガシンカするポケモン プレゼント Wonder Card text: ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ゲームの中の 配達員から 受け取ってね! Distribution text: メガストーンを もった ポケモンを プレゼント! バトルで そのつよさを たいけんしよう! Edited June 8, 2014 by BlackShark fixed typo
8492 Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 Pokéball Pattern Vivillon, VGC Mamoswine. Poke Ball Pattern Vivillon - FRA.zipFetching info... VGC 2014 Shiny Mamoswine - GER.zipFetching info...
smitty Posted July 7, 2014 Posted July 7, 2014 Here is the Fancy Pattern Vivillon event Wonder Card. 1503 - It’s the Fancy Pattern Vivillon!.wc6.zipFetching info...
8492 Posted July 7, 2014 Posted July 7, 2014 (edited) French version of the event posted above (always female). 1503 - Un Prismillon au Motif Fantaisie !.zipFetching info... Edited July 8, 2014 by 8492
8492 Posted July 8, 2014 Posted July 8, 2014 FRE Fancy Vivillon (always male) 1503 - Un Prismillon au Motif Fantaisie ! (M).zipFetching info...
Wanderer1391 Posted July 12, 2014 Posted July 12, 2014 Here is a zip containing a .pk6 file of Japanese Diancie from the July 6th prescreening of the movie. Got it in a Wi-Fi trade so this is the real one. Diancie Event July 6th.zipFetching info...
8492 Posted July 12, 2014 Posted July 12, 2014 ENG GAME Charizard X & Y. The Wonder Cards appear to be English-only. 516 - Charizard and a Charizardite Y!.zipFetching info... Charizard and a Charizardite X!.zipFetching info...
MicroChip Posted July 17, 2014 Posted July 17, 2014 I have not been able to keep up with ProjectPokemon since the release of X/Y so I don't know how to extract the Wonder Cards from the .SAV file but I have included my retail cart saves for both games. On each I have collected the Torchic (via Nintendo Network), Celebi (via Pokemon Bank) and Vivillon (via Nintendo Network). If someone can point me to the tools for extracting the information I will use that method in the future. PKMNXSAVE.zipFetching info... PKMNYSAVE.zipFetching info...
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